Hubli based Vishwanath Patil has been in the limelight for his innovative solution to waste management. A businessman and a social worker at heart, Mr Patil has always been involved in social welfare at Hubli. His trust ” Swacha Swastha ” has been responsible for keeping the city clean by implementing an efficient solution to address the waste woes The EarthView spoke with Mr Patil to know about Swacha Swastha, the inspiration behind the idea, difficulties and challenges that stand in the way. Here are the excerpts from the conservation.

Q: “Swacha Swastha” has been in recent limelight for the innovative underground garbage bin project in Hubli. Tell us more about it.

Vishwanath Patil: The project is based on a straightforward mechanism of Physics. The garbage pickup van is automatically operated with almost no human contact. The unique system of lifting and emptying underground dustbins ensures that no garbage spills out while transferring the waste and the bins.
A designated area needs to be identified to put an underground garbage bin of 200 litres, sufficient for 100 houses. The garbage collection system is leak proof and looks neat from outside. It takes up significantly less space and stores more dump than a conventional bin. These special-sensor fitted bins help dump garbage discreetly by keeping the garbage out of sight. Send alerts to the officials once 70 per cent of the bin is full, avoiding garbage outflow.
The model solves many problems at once. It is neat and compact, not an eyesore, does not emanate lousy odour and does not need much human help to pick up the garbage. The project of underground bin and pickup can be implemented by the municipal at a very reasonable cost as well. Anyone can operate it, and it is maintenance-free as well.

Q: From where did this idea come? What inspired you?

Vishwanath Patil: I began contemplating these five years ago after the PM Narendra Modi calls for a “Swacha Bharat”. Garbage has become a significant issue all over the world. I felt India has been lagging in garbage management. The people’s mentality is to clean their space, only to dump the filth on the road. Why spread the waste and then collect. Swachta has to be all about our surrounding.

I wanted to present my country as a country leading the way to others. There has been a lot of experimentation that finally resulted in this underground garbage bin.

Q: Has there been any support from others?

Vishwanath Patil: Some of my relatives have helped, but this project has mostly been my efforts.

Q: How many cities have implemented this mechanism of garbage management so far?

Vishwanath Patil: There have been a lot of queries from all over the country. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu has been keen on it. There have been inquiries from the government agencies as well

Q: What message can you convey to other citizens of India through our platform?

Vishwanath Patil: This project needs a collective effort from everyone. The government agencies and citizens alike. Nothing is impossible; it just takes an understanding of one’s responsibility as a conscious citizen of this country to show the world that we are ” Vishwa Guru.” I urge everyone to come forward and support in whatever way they can. The concept of this machine may solve the garbage crisis in India. Determination is all that is required.